Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Days ahead and the complexity of my mind

I really do think sometimes I tend to think too much. I have been better about not doing that. However I do realize there are certain times I should think more.

Life is full of changes this year, and I have done so much internal thinking the past week it is crazy. Work, life, love, family, all things that are on my mind. The New Year started off with a bang, some of it not good, but all of it worked out in the end.

Friends come and go, and I find that the older I get the people I want in my life are the ones that are not afraid to be honest and people that will tell you when your being an idiot, or when you do something hurtful. Also true friends will recognize when they have hurt you or done something wrong, own it and you can move on. Life is about being as naked as you can be, purity and honesty go a long way with me. Learning to let go of those that can not see that is a hard truth. It is sad, but when I know that I have done the best with being as open as I can, and doing it all out of love, only to have it come crashing down on me is really not good for me.

I hope this year brings us all wonderful surprises, however for those of us that will have to deal with some changes that we are not always happy about, I hope we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I hope this year will be a great one for me personaly, and possibly bring some great changes. Who knows what is in store, but that is what makes it all such an amazing journey.

Be good to each other.

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