Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cherry Blossoms

My office is surrounded by Cherry Blossom trees. Perhaps it is the pink that draws me to them, or just the idea that it symbolizes the start of spring and warmer days ahead. I will admit I am a sucker for any sign of spring. I love when the flowers all start to peek there head out of the ground and flood the world with color. It just makes my heart dance.

I am feeling so much better this week. I have to say I did not deal with the stress lately with the same grace that I normally do, however it just seemed alot hit me really hard and I was not in top form when it did. I guess I just need to realize that I can't always be the strong one, sometimes I need to allow myself to go through it and the steps are necessary. Well this lady is picking up her boot straps and moving forward. No more ho hum for me!

There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them. ~Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I hate this feeling I have had the past few days. I was in a car accident, and I am okay, but I had the moment where your life flashes before you and I was extremely shaken up. It is still affecting me two days later. I am indeed in a classic funk. I have not been in one like this for awhile. I had that moment last night when I was standing in my apartment and my cat Ella was relaxing on the ledge by the window, it was extremely still and quiet and I felt alone. I have not felt that way in a long time, but last night it hit really hard. I realized that I was 33 and alone, and normally, I am completely okay with that. However last night, I cried, tears I have not cried in a long time. Tears of loss, of regret, of past pain. I cried for the things I feared I would never have, like someone to share my life with or the laughter of my own children filling a house. I let myself have that moment, because sometimes we just need to cry, we need to let it all out. I am in a funk, and I need to recognize it and allow myself to process it and work through it all. I need to realize that this happens, we have moments when everything hits us harder then it normally would and it is okay to be that way. I will be okay, I realize under all of this the blessings I do have and that is enough to get me through.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Yes indeed there was Roller Skating!

Wonderful weekend full of dinner with a friend I do not see as often as I should, and that is always an amazing thing. Jessi and I are a day apart. We were born in the same hospital and our mothers were in the same wing. She is a breath of fresh air and we always have a great time together.

On Saturday there was Roller skating!

oh yes there was indeed! After it was off to Denny's for french toast. Nothing like a little breakfast at 10:00PM. It was such a nice night, and it never gets old to feel like you are in high school again. I do have a big bruise from a nice spill I took! I am just happy I did not take my friend Suzi down with me. That would have been a scene!

Sunday was full of a morning hike and then walk around Castle Island in Southie! It is so pretty there! I definitely got my exercise in this weekend. I will continue that trend with a trip to the gym after work. I hear the summer coming and I am being haunted by images of bathing suits! Grrr.. I will not let them get the best of me! Happy Monday all!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Reminder of a womans worth

This was in one of my favorite blogs and I have to say it made me smile and feel alive. I think we all need to remind ourselves of the lovely creatures we are as women. I think it is what keeps us in touch with our passion, sensuality and yes even our sexuality. To always be reminded we are amazing, stunning, beautiful and hold onto that when this world can be ugly and unforgiving. When the images of what magazines, or society think is beautiful haunt us. Maintain your inividuality and know it is what sets you apart. We are all creatures unlike no other and that should be celebrated everyday.