Monday, March 28, 2011

Small reminders

I was riding home on the MBTA Sunday morning from a Saturday bachelorette bash for my soon to be sister-in-law and due to a situation on the train had to change cars. I was tired and found the whole thing irritating after a semi sleepless night. However a few stops later when the gentlemen that was seated directly across from me got up, I noticed there was a sticker on the seat. Upon further inspection I noticed that the sticker said "Fall in love all over again". Wow, such a simple statement, but I think I needed to hear that. I was tired, cranky, had a long night and had been dealing with some thoughts going around and around in my head. Seeing that sticker and knowing that someone purposely put it there made me stop and really think about some things. What a simple phrase yet it carried such an amazing message. I thought there must have been a reason I had to move cars and that I sat in that seat. I think we all need a reminder from time to time to fall in love all over again. Yesterday was mine.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Its official!

I dislike corned beef. I was clear that I did not like cabbage boiled. I do however like a fresh homemade coleslaw or a nice Kimchi, but a boiled dinner is just not for this Irish girl. I do get an A for effort here as I did promise D I would try it again. My mother finds it hysterical since apparently as a child I would eat it all the time. Anyway, I will not be trying that again ever. At 34 I am pretty sure I am not going to ever enjoy it. Luckily my mother defrosted a burger. So I enjoyed my lovely burger with potatoes and carrots! Surprisingly they went very well together! Of course I did have a lovely Guinness as well! MMMmmm it was very tasty. So next year I will stick to foods I like, if D wants a boiled dinner we are going out, I know I could not stomach the smell of cabbage boiling. The thought of it actually turns my tummy right now. I hope everyone had a wonderful Saint Patrick's day.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Saint Paddy's Day

May the good earth be soft under you
when you rest upon it,
and may it rest easy over you when,
at the last, you lay out under it,
And may it rest so lightly over you
that your soul may be out
from under it quickly,
and up, and off,
And be on its way to God.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Once upon a time

Once upon a time I believed I had it all figured out, that I knew where my life was going to lead and that by the age of 34, I would already have had the career I always wanted, the amazing (and dashingly handsome) husband, 2 adorable children and a wonderful house overlooking the ocean. I dreamed all of these things in my head, I was (okay I still am a bit) a hopeless romantic. I believed that all people had some good in them no matter how horrid they seemed on the outside. I didn't fear life and what was ahead of me because I thought I had complete control over it. Lets be fair, I am an adult now and I do have control over some things in my life. But sadly unfortunately I still think like a hopeless romantic, and I still dream (even in the daytime) and this leads to me making quick decisions and jumping head first off the pier when sometimes I should just enjoy the view. I find that I get all excited about things and I take off, only to realize to my surprise horror that perhaps I moved to fast in the wrong direction. I guess you could relate it to adding the wrong ingredients to a recipe first and then realizing after the fact that without preparing the recipe the way instructed you ended up with a complete mess on your hands, or at least a recipe that does not taste the way you thought it would. I am not saying that sometimes my moments of making insane rash decisions had not led to some wonderful moments in my life, however most some have left me wondering why I do the things I do. I am a very independent, confident women and have gotten to a place where I am content with who I am. Sure, we all have the normal things we want to change (like the 20 pounds I want to lose), but for the most part I have found peace with the women I have grown into. I know that we will make mistakes in life and take chances that don't always work out the way you thought they would. I just hope that one day I will learn sometimes when you jump, you fall down and go boom. My journey of life has many more chapters left and I like to think those pages will be filled with glorious memories and immeasurable laughter and happy tears, however I know that there will be the chapters I would rather skip right past. I guess my point in this babbling blog is that I see now that sometimes my stubborn nature along with my fairytale thoughts can lead me to make decisions before I truly should be making them. You live and learn, over and over again! At the end of the day we can only make lemonade and continue forward.