Monday, March 28, 2011

Small reminders

I was riding home on the MBTA Sunday morning from a Saturday bachelorette bash for my soon to be sister-in-law and due to a situation on the train had to change cars. I was tired and found the whole thing irritating after a semi sleepless night. However a few stops later when the gentlemen that was seated directly across from me got up, I noticed there was a sticker on the seat. Upon further inspection I noticed that the sticker said "Fall in love all over again". Wow, such a simple statement, but I think I needed to hear that. I was tired, cranky, had a long night and had been dealing with some thoughts going around and around in my head. Seeing that sticker and knowing that someone purposely put it there made me stop and really think about some things. What a simple phrase yet it carried such an amazing message. I thought there must have been a reason I had to move cars and that I sat in that seat. I think we all need a reminder from time to time to fall in love all over again. Yesterday was mine.

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