Monday, April 12, 2010

Yes indeed there was Roller Skating!

Wonderful weekend full of dinner with a friend I do not see as often as I should, and that is always an amazing thing. Jessi and I are a day apart. We were born in the same hospital and our mothers were in the same wing. She is a breath of fresh air and we always have a great time together.

On Saturday there was Roller skating!

oh yes there was indeed! After it was off to Denny's for french toast. Nothing like a little breakfast at 10:00PM. It was such a nice night, and it never gets old to feel like you are in high school again. I do have a big bruise from a nice spill I took! I am just happy I did not take my friend Suzi down with me. That would have been a scene!

Sunday was full of a morning hike and then walk around Castle Island in Southie! It is so pretty there! I definitely got my exercise in this weekend. I will continue that trend with a trip to the gym after work. I hear the summer coming and I am being haunted by images of bathing suits! Grrr.. I will not let them get the best of me! Happy Monday all!

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