Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20th Thoughts

With Monday being the holiday all day long I kept thinking today was Monday. I hate that. Although at least when I finally realize it, I am happy knowing the week is going by quick.

Although is that a good thing. The days and weeks and months all go by so quickly. Sometimes I just want it all to slow down, instead of a 5 minutes to make a decision, I wish I had a whole day. However life does not always allow for time. We have to instead make the decisions we think are right. Follow your gut is what people say, although I have always been a person that thinks to much. I feel, and then I know what I should do, but I talk things through sometimes to much.

I guess I need to learn in life to go with how I feel, and not question it all the time. Time is all we have in life, however lets not waste it, lets make the right choices and allow our life to move forward.


Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time
like dew on the tip of a leaf.

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