Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ugh.. it does feel like the flu

So, they said it would feel like having he flu, and they were right. I feel so stuffy and heady today. Although I would have to say the pain is not as bad, I just feel like a truck ran me over. That is to be expected though so.

Today I will at least get out to lunch with a friend, think that might be it though. I really do not want to overdo it today. I want to be able to try and get out for a bit tomorrow too, however I want to make sure I get better. I dont want to overdo it and then have to back track with my recovery. I definitely have reached a breaking point most days where I was like.. yep.. I am done.

So hopefully as the days go on I start to feel better more and more. I can only imagine that will happen.

Well, off to lie down again!


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