Thursday, July 17, 2008

Post Surgery : Day 2

So I had my Septoplasty and Turbinate reduction. It went really well. I was surprised. I felt great yesterday and only had to take my pain medication when I went to sleep. I slept on the couch so I could be elevated. It was okay, I woke every few hours, and then would dose off again. Overall I rested pretty well. There is only swelling on my nose, but no bruising which is really great. I have my post op appointment tomorrow, they told me to take some pain meds before going since they clean it out and it is uncomfortable. Sounds fun huh!

Today is okay, I am a bit sore, and tired off and on, but for the most part okay. I seem to be healing really well and that makes me happy. I definitely feel it more today though, and that is expected.

Actually right now I am going to lay back and watch some useless TV.

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