Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yucky Yucky Blah Blah Poo!

Ha! yes, that is how I feel today. The weather is just icky poo, and I have to walk over to Improv class. However I would have to say that at least (hopefully) I will be laughing once I get there. If not it means my instructor is BAD! :)

It all started with waking up late because I shut my alarm off and fell back to sleep, and then I just could not get it together to get out the door, and I am all womanly today (you know what THAT means), and trying to eat healthy with all this working out. Well dammit I just want CHOCOLATE!

Today is a go back under the covers day and wait til tomorrow!

but.. alas, life continues when you are feeling icky blickity!

So.. I charge ahead. Because my friends.. This too shall pass! :)

On a cheery note.. it IS Wednesday and that means the weekend is right around the corner.. Ya Hoooooooooo

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