Saturday, June 28, 2008

Learning to be silent (inspired by 10 minutes)

I think today I learned a valuable lesson on silence. Not the type of silence you may think though. I do not mean not knowing when to talk, but knowing what to talk about and for how long.

I have never been one to hold back feelings or emotions, however I think I am learning more that I need to remember that sometimes it can be too much too soon. Taking a step back and knowing that I do not need to know all the answers in one moment, that sometimes the great part of language is the words that are unspoken, the mystery in not knowing it all right away.

Silence can be a gift, a moment that you take the time to not say what you are thinking, and to trust that the answer to that unspoken thought will come eventually.

Thank you Mr. 10 minutes, you made me think alot tonight, and in those thoughts I came to an answer I never even thought was there.

I went from someone who thought saying it all in one moment was a good thing, to realizing that there is a sweetness in the mystery of it all, that those little moments and quiet times where you dont know what someone is thinking can actually be nice and a wonderful, comfortable silence.

There are times when silence has the loudest voice
~ Leroy Brownlow

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