Summertime always brings a smile to my face. Something about feeling the warmth on your shoulders, watching kids play in the ocean, hearing people enjoying life. It seems that the moment the winter fades we all come out of our cocoon like state and enter the world again.
The little things make me smile:
Seeing the church from my living room window erupt with weddings, people starting there lives together.
The dogs playing on the grass and knowing that there owners are just glad it is a temperature that does not require a jacket.
I love just being able to put my shades up and have the sun come through, it just makes everything that might be bothering me at the time go away. It opens my eyes to new beginnings, change.
I always imagined what it would be like to live outside of New England and how I would deal with the seasons not changing. I just can not even think of what that might be like. The first snowfall always seems so magical, and there is something so amazing about watching the first flowers bloom. The smell of the cherry blossoms as you walk down the street, it almost seems to follow you.
I just think we are blessed to have these seasons, and that for all of us they have different meanings and some hold very powerful memories for us. Some remember the flowers on there wedding day and how they seemed to be so full of life, while others remember having to say goodbye to a loved one and walking out to see the sun peek through the clouds knowing there is something bigger then us that brings the peace we need.
I would have to say though that the one thing I really love about the seasons it that the moment we start to take it for granted it is already changing and surprising us.
Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. ~Henry James