Monday, February 9, 2009

Wonderful Weekend


I had such a nice weekend! It was free of bank fraud, so that in itself was a great thing. I spend Friday night at my friend Dawn and Graemes house warming. It was such a great time and we broke out the karaoke! So fun!

I left a tad early for a friday night becuase I wanted to be able to get up for Yoga on Sat. I did, however I feel it was a waste. It was more like a stretching class and I worked out on the eliptical after so I could feel like I was getting a work out in. Then I ran some errands and met my freind Jessi for lunch. After I headed to Maynard to babysit my nephew. It was so nice to spend some quality time with him and let my sister and her husband get out for a much needed date. Isaac makes me so happy, and he now attempts to say my name which is just amazing. It was much needed time with him.

Sunday I worked out, got some cleaning done and clothes put away. Then I headed to dinner and a comedy show. Lenny Clark was beyond hysterical. It was a great line up. Great to see the band members outside of a gig. They really are a great group of people. I am so lucky to get to be in a band with them. The night was so nice and I woke up feeling really great about everything today! So far February has been pretty great!

“Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.”

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