Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pain pain go away

So, it is 4 days after my surgery, and while I am supposed to be going back to work tomorrow that is now not going to happen since I have to stay on the Percocets. I have had extreme pain the last few days and no real reason why. A Tympanoplasty normally does not cause pain after the first two days, however I have had lots of ear pain. So today has been frustrating as I had to listen to the on call doctor tell me I had to wait til tomorrow AM to talk to my doctor. So tomorrow I have to try and get in there in the AM when my mother can drive me as I can not drive on narcotics. Man, my mother deserves a wonderful dinner after how she has been the last few days. I have really needed someone and she has been there. She is so selfless, I am extremely lucky to have a mother that I am best friends with.

When I am fully back on my feet I will have to show her a nice evening.

So, hopefully I will be up and running and able to sing this coming weekend. We have two gigs, and one is important as it is a new location. So I am trying to really relx and take care of myself.

Most of you know I am not good at not doing anything. Being home has driven me pretty batty, however it is always good for me to have some down time.

Well on that note, the percs are kicking in and I am going to try and get a full nights sleep.

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