Main Entry: chem·is·try
1: a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo
2 a: the composition and chemical properties of a substance
3 a: a strong mutual attraction, attachment, or sympathy
I found the different definitions for Chemistry to be interesting. I think we all in the world of dating rely on this word/feeling. We all know that you have to have chemistry with a person you are thinking of pursuing. However have we ever stopped to think about how we decipher chemistry. How does one know what they are feeling is chemistry and not something else. Is lust considered chemistry, when we feel that butterfly feeling, is that just merely attraction. These are questions I ask myself. I think I have found that the answer is that chemistry is more then attraction, it is perhaps after a conversation over dinner, when you feel a connection in your values and likes and dislikes. It is an inner connection, it superceeds attraction of the sexual kind. I think we need to all remember that. Becuase when you are 80 years old, what matters is that deep intimate connection. Being able to sit together on the porch swing and hold hand like you did when you first got married and still know why that deep love is there. To still be able to feel that wonderful thing called chemistry.
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