Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August already?

Here it is, the first week in August. I can't believe the summer has flown by. Although at this point I should expect it, it always tends to fly by. This year though with all the rain we got it did not really feel like summer til about a month ago.

I have to say though, regardless of the weather being not the best through July, I have had by far the best summer to date. Wonderful friends and family and the addition of a wonderful person to share it all with. I always thought that life was about the simple joys and now more then ever I know it is true. The best things in life can not be bought with money, they can only be shared with those we truly love. The things that in the end will enrich our lives are the moments we have and the memories we make. Life is this wonderful journey, and knowing what really matters and taking the time to stop and enjoy those things is what will keep us happy and healthy. My outlook on life has been drastically changed over the last few months, and I think for the better. I know that my future will be full of endless blessings and these will help the hard times not feel so hard. I have learned to enjoy my today's and to breath it all in.

You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need. ~Vernon Howard

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