Friday, May 15, 2009

Today is what matters

So, tomorrow is there, waiting in the wings for me, but I think I will just enjoy today, this moment, sitting at my desk at work. Instead of working I am blogging right now. Blogging about nothing in particular and yet everything all at once. My mind sometimes feels like it is in overdrive, that I constantly have some thought or process going on. Sometimes I just like to stop. This time of year is so good for that. Take my rollerblades down to castle island, or the canal on the cape and just go, feel the wind on my face, enjoy watching the people pass around me, and hearing children laugh. Taking a moment to sit on the wall at the beach and listen to the ocean as the waves come in. It makes me remember the reason I live in New England and can survive through our aweful winters here. I remember it all on one sunny day, when all I can do is smile and think of how beautiful it is. Seeing the first flowers bloom, the trees start to bud. It truly is amazing how the seasons come upon us. I am glad that today is Friday, for many reasons. It is 5 days closer to my long weekend in Bar Harbor for my best friends wedding. It is hours closer to breakfast with my sister and some shopping. It represents time to relax. However right now, as I write this, I am truly as I say most days thankful to be alive, and fully present in my life. To recognize that the stress in everyday proves to be what truly strengthens me and allows me the clarity to see the things in my life that are truly beautiful. We are all given a gift in life, to be able to take the bad and to celebrate in the good. I hope I never stop learning the lessons that make me who I am, and I pray that I will only enjoy this roller coaster for what it is. This journey that I have ahead of me will be one that I am sure will bring me sorrow, and so many joyful moments.

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.
~ Mother Teresa

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