Friday, May 8, 2009


Be The change you want to see in the world

Smile on the world and it will smile back on you

Two thoughts that are floating around my mind today. Be the change.. what does that mean? I assume like all things that it means something different to everyone. To me, it means be the person that I want others to be, behave the way I would want others to behave to me. It reminds me to not be a person that says one things and then does the complete opposite. It is just a good phrase to keep in my mind on a daily basis. Smile on the world kind of fits into that category as well. I believe what we put out into this world we will get back. Not sure if it is karma I believe in or just that simple fact that if we are truly good people to our earth and those who are in it, then how can we not on some level get that goodness back. I would like to believe that although we go through hard times in life that all of it is part of a much bigger picture and that it all leads to the happiness that we deserve. Sometimes I think we are supposed to have moments of sadness and disappointment. Otherwise we truly would not appreciate all that we have.

I think that the world is a constant learning expierence. You never know what you will get from day to day, and most of it leaves us with more tools for our journey. It is indeed a beautiful journey.

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