Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The sunshine and other thoughts in my mind

What a beautiful day it is out there. Of course I say this while staring out the glass window of my office. It was nice to not have to wear a jacket today and it always seems people are so much happier when the sun is shining.

Life is changing all around me. Everytime I see my nephew he is taller, smarter, and of course cuter. It is amazing how he had developed. He is probably one of the most tender boys I know. Recently when we were at the circus with him last week while sitting on my mothers lap he turned he face to her and smiled as he gentley touched her cheek. I definitely started tearing up. It is so loving, and to see him just stop to look at his nana that way. It also made me look at my mother differently. We have become so close these past few years and I am so thankful for that. However somehow Ruth Marie having Isaac changed us all inside. I feel closer to my sister and my entire family since we have been blessed with him. He puts hope in my heart when sometimes I don't have it. I can be having a bad day and talk to my sister on the phone and she has him say "Hi Auntie Tara" and it changes my mood instantly. He is our little angel. I look at him and can not imagine how much I will love my own child someday. The love I have to Isaac overflows.

We as a family are blessed. I only hope to someday know the joy of motherhood and to share that with an amazing man. It is all out there for me, within my reach. I know I am ready for it when it does finally get here.

Children make you want to start life over. ~Muhammad Ali

1 comment:

RuthMarie said...

He is a sweet blessing of a little man! Thanks for the sweet words.