Thursday, April 30, 2009

Loving who you are

I learned something last night from a person that I actually saw a lot of myself in. Beauty, is truly in who you are as a person, what you bring into this world. I am a beautiful person. I get in my own way by trying to bring myself down and think that I am not. I have such a spirit in me, and love for the people in my life. I am capable of anything. I am a loving, trustworthy person that will do anything for those that I care about. I know this through and through. I need to feel that I deserve the same from all people. I am on my path. I want to share my life with others that know how to laugh, love, smile through the bad times. I want to surround my world with goodness as much as possible.

I woke this am to music. I watched a movie that ever song had an emotional connection to what was going on. I feel that is how I am with music. I love lyrics, and I could listen to one song over and over again if I feel pulled to what is being said. It is a natural drug to me. It fills my soul and makes me smile from the inside out. Sometimes an amazing song can just make me sob, and that to is really healthy. Where would I be in this life without the people I love and the power of a melody, or a pen to paper. The power of a song to guide my steps.

I am thankful for new friends and old friends. I am unbelievably hopeful today of all that is in my future. I believe, and that give me all I need.

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