Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Because I can

I can do anything I put my mind to, I just sometimes choose not to. Why? That is a question I ask myself alot. Why do I sell myself short, why do I avoid all the things I should be doing, or I could be doing to make my life even better. I think we all know the answer to this. It is this HUGE fear of failure. We all have it, it follows us around like a cloud. Its the voice that says "Tara, you know that you are not smart enough to do that, so why try". The side of you that believes gets bombarded by these negative thoughts and we allow it to keep us from our true potential.

I think many times during the day why I am not accomplishing certain things in my life that I desire. I think now I am just truly trying to find the right way to approach getting over those negative thoughts.

It is the same in all areas of my life. Working out, eating, dating. I know I can lose the weight, it just takes discipline, it is only a little bit of extra weight, but it is a crutch. I know I can eat healthier, but MAN does that cookie look good, I will start tomorrow. I know I am a woman of worth and should date men that can truly value me as a whole, however sometimes I feel I am not good enough. Time to conquor some of these fears, learn to rise about them and to take control of my choices and my actions.

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.” - Jesse Jackson

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