Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Life is about decisions, sometimes we make the right ones, sometimes we make the wrong ones, however we need to own them. I have a hard time even when I feel it is right making the tough decisions in my life. There are so many things bouncing around in my head. I sometimes prevent making some decisions because I feel unsure. I know though if I listen to my heart and if I feel I am waivering then I probably know truly what I need to do.

I have to make a few decisions in my life over the next 6 months. Some of them will be a big change, and I am still deciding what that change will be and where it will lead me. I feel pulled at this point in my life to make some moves that I have wanted to for years and have feared doing. I want to step outside of my box a bit and feel a little unsafe. I know that in the long run my decision will be the best for me. If it isn't then I will know sooner then later and at least I will have learned something from it.

Time for me to take smoe chances.

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