What is on my mind today? So many things, mostly trust. Trust is defined as the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. Very simply put it is being able to fully believe in who a person is and knowing that what they present to you is authentic. I have been having issues with that word lately and how it is played out in my life currently. I am a very trusting person, probably to a fault. I am first to believe the good in people and accept that they would be nothing but trustworthy. However I have learned in my life through many instances that I cannot trust that way, that I need to sometimes have a bit of a guard. I struggle with what that means right now. I am not sure what part of who I am needs to shift in regards to how I think and feel. Do I just start not trusting someone at first and let them earn it, or do I continue to trust someone until they prove me to be wrong. Alternately, what do I do if I have given trust to someone and then something they do breaks that trust. Can I find the strength to put it behind me and move forward to learn to trust them again, or do I keep a guard up thinking that they will do it again? These are definitely some questions that I am having right now. As of now I believe that you have to forgive in order to move forward, however if you feel you can't then the only action is to walk away from the situation. I am choosing to move forward for now but to do so with my eyes fully open. I believe you need to learn mostly in this situation to trust your instinct and your judgement. You will know when someone is not being honest (at least I hope) and if you can learn to trust that feeling you can move forward with a bit more confidence.
Time will tell if deciding to move forward was a good thing. Sometimes you just need to take chances and see what happens.
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