Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Roller Coaster

I have been wanting to blog since my last entry and just have felt at a loss. It is not that I don't know what to say it is more my feelings are constantly changing lately. I guess I can start with I am looking forward to my move on Saturday. Bittersweet as it is, it is moving on and starting over and that is never a bad thing. I posted a quote on my facebook page yesterday: “I can be changed by what happens to me. but I refuse to be reduced by it.” It is a great quote by one of my favorite writers/poets Maya Angelou. It truly speaks volumnes to how I feel right now. You are changed by what happens to you in life, the good and the bad. However it is what we do with that change that matters. How am I feeling today? Well I guess there is not one emotion I am feeling, they are all entertwined. So I won't list them but I will merely say that I am holding onto the positive ones and trying to let the negative feelings fall away. I cannot look back and think about the 'what ifs', I simply need to move forward to the 'what will be's'. Hang on to the old cliche that everything happens for a reason and take each day as it comes. I want to embrace where I am going, nothing in life is a failure, it is a lesson learned.

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