Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cold Season

Yes, I have a full blown head cold! YAY. It is so fun, I can not even tell you how much I love being on the train when I forgot tissue and trying to not make that nasty sound when you are trying to sniffle. Becuase I know I hate when people near me do that. It was a very long train ride.

I hate being sick when I am only a month into my new job and it is very stressful. I have so much to do and just want to be in bed. At least I have had down night and just gone home to my couch. I have alot on my mind this week to, just life and stuff, and it has been maknig this week not go any smoother for me. I know it will all be much better when I finally feel better. I am just hoping I will be better for the weekend and get to relax a bit.

I am doing my best not to infect others with my cold. Once the kids start school, the roads get crowded and the colds start spreading. I will ride this one out and hopefully this will be my cold of the season.

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