Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The reason I sing

I discovered on Saturday at my gig one of the main reasons I sing. The reason making music brings me such joy. I was walking out of the women's room and saw this women looking around, and I said "Tahni". She said "oh my god, Tara". It was amazing to see her there of all places. Tahni is going through a really tough time right now. Her husband Paul has cancer and is not doing well. It has been a long and tough road for them, with lots of prayer coming from the community. Her friends had surprised her with taking her out to dinner and then some dancing. Tahni needed it, she needed to be able to get out and laugh and have a great time with her girlfriends. It was amazing to me to see her smiling, and it brought me so much joy. The next set I sang "Don't Stop Believing" and after dedicated it to her. She is truly a strong women, and seeing her touch her heart after I sang it made me realize what a gift God had given me. You see, when I saw her before the set, she said her friends gave her a crown that said "Believe". I think God works in such wonderfully mysterious ways. He truly touches me when he makes me stop and thank him for the gift of song, for being able to touch others and to feel that I have a purpose.

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