Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mind over matter

I am so amazed at the power of the mind sometimes. I have been unable to really speak the past few days and lets just say this week has not been the best for me. The one thing I love and that makes me feel so in touch with who I am is singing. So I was really nervous that I would not be able to sing last night, and it made me sad. Well the time comes, I get on stage, and all of a sudden there is my voice. Sure, it did not sound like it always does, but I could not believe what was coming out of me. I am so thankful for it. I needed to have a great night, to sing, and make people smile. I feel that I not only accomplished that for others, but also for myself.

My brother and his beautiful girlfriend Sreela came and it was so nice to see them. I love when I can share my talent with my family.

Here are some pictures from the night.

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