Tuesday, July 19, 2011

“Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

I normally do not like the clique that is tied to an Oprah quote, but another blogger that I follow had posted this and for some reason today it resonated with me loudly. The right to chose your path.. a very interesting phrase in itself, but then you add on that it is a sacred privilege and that makes it seem all that more of a strong statement. You have the freedom to chose this path in life, the one that you walk along, sure we do not always have control over the things that can deviate us from the path, however we have the choice to follow it. This is amazing to me that we are living in a world where we have the freedom. Not everyone can look at that quote and fully agree or relate with it. There are cultures where you do not have that choice. We live in the United States and are truly blessed to be able to really own the meaning of choice. I love that, and I love this quote today!

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