Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summertime rolls in....

The summer is upon us, and this time of year always puts a new spring in my step. For some reason waking up to the sun and hearing the birds singing always makes you want to wake and tackle the day. It makes us remember the things we loved about summer as a kid. Despite the obvious, it meant 2 months off to run around town. Also it brought days at the beach, the sound of the ice cream truck, or the taste of soft serve at your favorite spot. It also meant for some of us the crush you had on the boy down the street, and the endless game of "does he like me too". The best thing for me about the summer was being able to spend time with my Nana and Grandad who lived downstairs from us. My nana had the most amazing imagination, and always had this twinkle in her eye. I believe she was an angel, there was a magic I felt when I was with her. She always knew how to put me at ease, she made me feel talented and beautiful. Nana always told me I was special and a creature made perfectly by God. When she passed it only took away the physical interaction. I truly feel everyday since then (almost 16 years) that she is with me. There are times I look to her for guidance still and I grasp a memory or I look at a picture of us and it brings me back to those days. I will still always remember playing the piano in the hallway to hear the door open and see her watching me. The love in her eyes and the joy in her smile as I played on. Summer is magical, and I look forward to having one of the best yet!

I only think of you.....Everytime my heart beats.

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