Thursday, April 22, 2010


I hate this feeling I have had the past few days. I was in a car accident, and I am okay, but I had the moment where your life flashes before you and I was extremely shaken up. It is still affecting me two days later. I am indeed in a classic funk. I have not been in one like this for awhile. I had that moment last night when I was standing in my apartment and my cat Ella was relaxing on the ledge by the window, it was extremely still and quiet and I felt alone. I have not felt that way in a long time, but last night it hit really hard. I realized that I was 33 and alone, and normally, I am completely okay with that. However last night, I cried, tears I have not cried in a long time. Tears of loss, of regret, of past pain. I cried for the things I feared I would never have, like someone to share my life with or the laughter of my own children filling a house. I let myself have that moment, because sometimes we just need to cry, we need to let it all out. I am in a funk, and I need to recognize it and allow myself to process it and work through it all. I need to realize that this happens, we have moments when everything hits us harder then it normally would and it is okay to be that way. I will be okay, I realize under all of this the blessings I do have and that is enough to get me through.


Barbie said...

just know you are not alone...our "traditional" friendship has long been gone but know that 800 hundred miles away you have a friend that knows exactly how you are feeling :-)

Cheri said...

I had that exact same moment last week, Tara...just lying in bed watching T.V. like normal...and even though I've been terribly content lately, I just bawled my eyes out over the things I don't have. Let yourself have those moments.