Friday, July 10, 2009

Making a commitment

This week I have been thinking alot of discipline and making a commitment to something. I sadly have never been good at committing fully to something that I truly want. Not sure if it is the incessant fear of failure that follows me around, or the fear of what if I do succeed. I think of that alot this week because I am trying to set some clear personal goals for myself. I know that it is a matter of making the decision, making a set list of things that I need to do to go along with that goal and making an effort EVERY day to stick to that. I need to stop the excuses, because clearly that is all they are. They are the roadblocks that get in our way. I always say I get in my own way, and that is true on so many fronts. I find that I like to sabotage what I am doing for me, and I like to find as many excuses for it as I can. The truth is, there are none. The only reason is me. We need to take a conscious look at ourselves and say why have I not accomplished this? It can be a simple goal of cleaning your apartment, or losing that last 10 pounds, or even as simple as sending that card that you keep meaning to. Honestly I am doing that this week, learning to put some things first, some things that are truly really important to how I feel about myself when I look in the mirror. Sometimes we need to put oursevles first, and not let our own fear or lack of discipline get in the way. I need to be truly happy and at peace with who I am and to get there, I need to focus on a few things. First is learning discipline and sticking to it.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

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