Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This strange new feeling

I definitely have to say, that I have never felt this way. I am so calm and so relaxed about life. Most people in my life know me pretty well as I have a close group of friends. They know me to be extremely analytical. I am always thinking or worrying about something. I tend to overanalyze things to death, to the point of ruining things sometimes. However lately I have a sense of peace about it all.

Also lately when I find myself freaking out about something or over analyzing it, I have different ways that I stop doing it. It is amazing how good it feels to kind of just let things happen. Sure we need answers from time to time, but lately when I give it time, normally the answer makes itself known.

This is a totally different place for me to be. However I have never felt such a sense of peace about my life and my path. I also feel blessed that as bad as the world seems and the economy crashing around us that I can feel this way.

Lets hope this trend in my life continues.

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