Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The right one

A good friend of mine said something the other day that I found so simple, yet so profound at this point in my life. He said he is not sure if there is a right one, just the one that makes you feel right.

For me that resonates so loudly. I think in life I have been blinded by Disney Princes and the idea of happily every after follows me around like a black cloud. Instead of always thinking about how it should be, perhaps I need to realize maybe my ideal of what it should be is not really what would make me happy.

Taking the time lately to work on my emotional and physical health has opened my eyes to patterns that I have created. Things that I think in my head that are not always right or lead to the direction I should go.

I am not saying I want to get rid of the hopeless romantic that lives inside of me. The girl that loves flowers and doors being opened will always be there. I just realize that there are possibly some things I overlook that are more core. The inside of who a person is, the way they feel about life, parenting, and yes, even politics. That the flowers die, and sometimes they will not open the door for you, however at the end of the day, can you sit on the couch and talk about anything. I think being someones best friend is key. We always say friends first, but sometimes can get lost in the moment, and the excitement of it all.

I am not a pro by any means when it comes to relationship. I think that I am getting better though about knowing what I want and mostly what I need. I think my decisions are clearer, even if they are not always the easy ones. I sometimes feel they are for the best. I am learning to stick to my choices if I feel that they are right. Sometimes I will be proven wrong and that is okay, however I need to do the best thing at the moment for me.


Matt said...

I second that emotion, and know *exactly* what you mean! *hug* :)

RuthMarie said...

I couldn't agree more. Someone told me a long time ago that there are many 'right ones'. It's really up to you to make a wise choice. Also, it's important to do the work you're doing as it's not 2 halves that come together to complete one another - it's 2 whole people coming together.
Love you!